Sepideh Soltaninia opened with her poem: “Alexandra”:
“This is the history century old bridges tell of a country who hides its bruises in reserves and downtown cores. Whose bridges serve as bars with 8 am calls, so next time my feet grace the surface of your new skin, show me sunsets and snowfalls, and I beg you, tell me nothing of my history.”
In this competition for the most mesmerizing name, the second contestant is Ifeany Awachi. Julian Field explained why “with an erection you can have a baby, but it’s better not to have an erection with a baby” introducing his new one man show:“My Personal Waterloo”, watch the
A ukulele new trio made up by Trelys, Marie and Ella, rocks the house with a ukulele classic: “Has anybody seen my girl?” A cynical girl, Lynne and a Bad Boy, John: “I want to be a sinner, but nobody takes me seriously.” A family girl, Hannah: “I’m not a mother or a wife, but I’m a sister and a daughter and an au pair for four french children and that means I know enough to write a poem.” A poem called “Four”.To forget Zach, Esmeralda launched her solo career “I’m allergic to you…” Trelys closed part one with a song called “Aloha”. “Aloha” in hawaiian means goodbye, hello, I love you, you’re cool: Hal, Adele, Zach, Ben, Lucy, Patrick.
Yes, our featured mispelled Weiner was Patrick Hipp, explicit, romantic and hot-hearted into the Gates Of Hell (I’m talking about Rodin’s museum).
Sam “after vomiting”, Mandoline in “morning conversation”, Emilie “run away” (from Louisiana), Harvey with a bilingual rap for his students in Jersey City, Marie and Antoine warming up for la Fete de la Musique, Alberto’s tango: “While I was killing you, I was telling you I love you.” Troy: “We prepare for a feast, what smelling feet we have sometimes”, The Maxx, LA Elen Cellier from French to English and back, Tyler: “So shame on you for dying, shame on me for everything else…” KellyJoy, Hannah and the unsugarable unforgettable Jenny Z’s: “Cum Farths”. Then our featured mispelled booner Patrick had his final act. The whole house singing along one more time (and probably even the day after):
“Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, someday soon.”
But on the 16th refrain of “Please don’t go”, somebody said: “I’m going.”