When is it? Where? What's the format?


Every Monday/lundi
Sign up in the bar from 8pm
First round begins 9pm.
Runs till midnight.

Au Chat Noir
76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud
Métro Parmentier/Couronnes/Oberkampf

SpokenWord’s format:
1. Sign up on the night from 8pm

2. Spoken word slots (poetry, prose, stand up, anything): you get 5 minutes, with a warning bell at 4.45 to let you know you have 15 seconds to finish.

3. Acoustic song slots: you get to do one whole song, 5 mins or even a bit longer. 

4. We do 2 rounds of 10 five minute slots, starting at approx. 9pm.

5. Cinderella rule: we finish at midnight. (To chat & socialise...)

The atmosphere is very supportive of anyone having a go.