Report from Time Travel... 14th June 2010 (or did it only seem like it?))

Photo: Romina

Photo: Roy

In Part One:

Nicolas took a voyage dans le temps and came back to tell us about the future. Pour (poor?) Didier, la folie interne est en nous, comme la poèsie. Jen could see it on the little clocks you twist yourself into. Tom brought popcorn. And porch burglary. Charlie scarily predicted that in 2012 that which was will no longer have been. Romina took something apart. I had breakfast with Ulysees. John warned us that time is running out. No sense in writing what others already know.

Photo: Jonathan

In Part Two:

Roy had an hour of splendour. Sebastian found knowledge of his inner self. Chris and me took in the assassination of Ceaser, in his play about time travel tourism. By now it was late, so late that for Didier, l'aube s'eveille. Nicolas got into 5 centuries in a stocking with a clockwork lemon. Jessica, I should warn you, tears books apart to get inside them. Anna sang "a kind of song." But for Alberto, memories are skidding bulls... and a coffee cup, put down in Tangiers.

One more SpokenWord before summer hits us like a heatwave: Monday 28th June, theme: Skin/la peau

Cheers all,

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