Report from 25th Oct by Alberto & Sketches by Franki Goodwin of Mademoiselle London...

That’s what they call october in Paris and that’s Paris Spoken Word’s october.

Many guests and premieres, Marie Claire Calmus, promoting her french vaudeville show, Dylan presenting his new book:

Katya and Franki launching Mademoiselle London in Paris

Here you have an excerpt:

(and here you can see some original sketches and portraits of spokenworders)

“You know that book you wrote about Paris? Well I'm here now and it's nothing like you said it was

......Hemingway says

You have been given the gift of mystery my dear

You are a woman without reference

Anonymous in this pretty city

So be whatever you want to be

You can be a teenage 40 year old divorced lesbian vegetarian cannibal Jewish communist Icelandic samurai love child of the Pope

Paris is your maternity ward and you have just been born........”

(and here you can see some original sketches and portraits of spokenworders)

Two videos by Suzanne Allen,

one is available on our facebook:

Then Kelda, Troy, Bruce and Heather, Alberto, Angel singing flamenco.

Emily, The Maxx, Troy, Anaìs and Damien, Tyler,

Leander presenting his new song,

David Barnes relaunching the vintage sexual education from the fifties…

Should your husband suggest congress then agree humbly all the while being mindful that a man's satisfaction is more important than a woman's. When he reaches his moment of fulfilment a small moan from yourself is encouraging to him and quite sufficient to indicate any enjoyment that you may have had.

Sterling Hudson featuring his grandma,

Ed listing 10 ways for draguering your french teacher,

Kelda singing Suzanne for Suzanne:

“And you want to travel with her

And you want to travel blind

And you know that she will trust you

For you’ve touched her perfect body with your mind.”

Midnight dot twenty, we have to close.

The neverending question echoed one more time after Michele’s last act:

“Why the plastic belly dancer is worried about my future?”

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