Report from Love, Sex & a jellyfish swarm

So many people! By 9.30 people couldn't get in and had to stand outside - so if you want to get a seat, or even in the Cabaret Pop - get there for 8.30!
Ok, an impression of the night featuring some of the many people who did stuff: The photo is Hardcore Always, by the way, from left to right Erica, Colin & Dana. Colin complains that he doesn't want to be "the music guy" and wants to read more stuff. Rufo says "Especially enjoyed the two plays, [Bev's Atlanta Bus stand-off & Betrayal by shoes pieces - ed] ass rape (obviously), the black guy who sang and chanted and wailed (what's his name?), and Troy's lovelorn ramblings. There may have been good stuff afterwards too but that's when I left." Ass rape being Dana's surprisingly fun song. Stedy was the guy chanting and wailing (& doing African-style guitar) to boulverser la verticalité du vend. Troy was in love once. In a seagreen linoleum booth at the Horseshoe Café. He claimed never to have done his stuff before, to have written his poem in 5 minutes having had to throw out a poem on the credit crunch because it didn't fit the night's theme, and to be only a painter. Well he did have paint on his overalls, but otherwise he's a liar. He's too good.
Pauline read a Mat Groening cartoon. Géno (where have all the other French poets gone?) said j'ai le coeur sec comme un pretzel, piqueté de grains de sel. Thomas Morelius brought meditations on Oscar Wilde. Thomas 2.0 went to the woods in search of summer love (I am really tempted to add some Grease lyrics at this point.) Becky's birds have flown the nest. For Spiritchild, love is political. Sally is in love with a man I haven't met yet. Elena saw the contradictions. Maxx brought the family, - yes that was his kid! - came in glory, end of story. Gave a Hail (to his) Marie, the only home I've known. Erika, backed by Betty on the box, spoke of 30 years with your love, a man who destablized the ship of me. Ellen Adams was late for sleep again. Gone is the day she saved me from the jellyfish swarm. I read Bitter Valentine, Carol Ann Duffy's beautiful You (thanks Naomi for putting me onto her Rapture) and my own

She is the fountain,
on fire in spite of herself
the answer to a
question unasked.

Kevin? Kevin should've been a pair of ragged claws, scuttling across the floors of silent seas. (T.S. Eliot's Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock). Hardcore Always did the Violent Femmes' Add it up. (Why can't I get just one kiss?/Maybe some things I wouldn't miss/But a/look in your pants and a mere kiss/Why can't I get just one screw? Baby I know what to do/but something won't let me make/love to you).
And we also had Marianela's moving piece, Erik, Antonio (in Spanish), Amber, Corty and others! Too many to fit in the bar, too many to write about!
Seeya tomorrow night!

2nd February - Numbers

One. Hardcore Always (Colin, Dana & Erica mostly) One is the loneliest number you'll ever do (in a mohair suit) (Colin was). // Thirteen. Colin did Alex Chiltern's song Thirteen and Wallace Stevens' Thirteen Ways Of Looking At A Blackbird. // Thomas Yates. Charles Manson song & Sleeping against the wall. // Five. Maxx - Pentagram by A. Crowley; he harnassed the lightning. Time Only Time by David Tibet; 8 years since I last saw you. Letters all burned. // 13, 2 and 15: Pauline a fait un roulé-boulé dans l'escalier. 20, 26, 28: Les insultes, leur mode de commmunication. // Thomas V. - Ten minutes - the nylon charms of my first guitar, sunrise only 4 hours away. If I had a million dollars... Haven't you always wanted a monkey? // Leemore - Bare bones, stealing books // Chris - ex-forecaster, outtake from her book - An Ode to Budget Season - Snow that doesn't stop & doesn't leave. falls like a wet sack, dingy & grey, plummeting to the ground; an anti-snow piece! // Dana - 25 reasons // Emily Einhorn song for Aaron, they say boys don't cry // Erik - I wanna roll around with an 8, grab the tail of a 7; solving the Rieman Hypothesis // Britta - 3 dreams, I woke up once, aching for my dead friend // Erica - $40,000 pay out from the US for 15 civilian Afghan deaths; $2,200 per death. $500 for the wounded. & Crying Won't Get You a Dime... // And Jaco parle de Camille et son problème existentiel. J'avais envie de dire combien tu es belle.

An invitation to open mic in Madrid!

The Second Mad Open Mic: Captured Words
Café Concierto La Fídula
Calle Huertas, 57 Madrid in the Barrio de las Letras
Metro: Anton Martin, Sevilla, Banco
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Performing will begin at 9:00 pm
To register and for further information, contact: or
Come to present your own work or just to listen in. Open to the public. No entry fee. You pay (only) for what you consume.
Guidelines for Performers:- Your presentation must be your own creative words; spoken or readspoken. It can be a story, poem, lyrics (but no music), creative essay...- We will readspeak in cycles of 3-6 minutes each depending upon how many we are. Please prepare your work in combinations of 3 minutes each to allow for flexibility in scheduling. If there is time, there will be a second cycle. Please clock your readings ahead of time.- Sign up by emailing: by February 26, 2009. - Put Open Mic in the Subject or Asunto of the email. - Include a short sample of your work or give me an idea of what you are planning to readspeak to help in the planning. - Late registrants will be included when possible.- Presentations will be in English.- For updates check: