Strangers in Paris launch 25th July 6pm/9pm

At 6pm we launch at Shakespeare & Company bookshop
(37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005, Métro St Michel)

A sparkling taste of some of the distinct voices that make up the book.
Like literary champagne!
Just enough of each voice to tantalise and excite the palate.

With short readings from the book by Suzanne Allen, David Barnes, Marie Davis, Sion Dayson, Antonia Klimenko, Colin Joseph Wolfgang Mahar, Danielle McShine, Helen Cusack O'Keeffe and Sarah Riggs.

After, there'll be wine courtesy of Shakespeare & Co.

Link to Shakespeare & Co's page about the event

At 9pm the launch continues at SpokenWord
(at the bar Culture Rapide - 103 rue Julien Lacroix, 75020, Metro Belleville)

Featuring writers from Strangers integrated into the usual open mic.

facebook page for the launch:

Spokenword likes... Claire Trevien

The next Spokenword isn't till 25th July when we launch the anthology Strangers in Paris, so why not come to the Culture Rapide on Thursday to hear two great poets and catch the free blues jam afterwards...

SpokenWord 27-6-2011

Denis blows the house down
Suzanna jazzed up a Shakespeare sonnet. Troy drowned in eager dreams, wanting somebody who crumbles, breaks, says sorry but slaps back. Julien took in flies like a whale takes in plankton. Later, he read a letter of complaint directed at his audience.

Julien Field
Kelly grave crazy advice while Harvey interpreted souls with Gilgamesh. Dheeraj's toothless princess rode her aunt's knee. Tous à cause de la secheresse, Ifeanyi a dit. But like a snap of the tongue, Alberto was water exploding on his own forehead while Maxx blotted out the names once carved into the great Cedar of Lebanon. 
But for Matilde, summer in the city was long gone.
As Trèlys asked, Will there be not a trace left behind?

SpokenWord will be back to find out at  9pm Monday 11th July at the Culture Rapide.


SpokenWord likes... Julian's new stand up comedy show


Every Wednesday at 9:30 PM (July and August) @ Theatre La Cible (62, rue Jean Baptiste Pigalle - Metro Pigalle)

Video teaser: